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Websites For Business Growth

Johnny over at Dream Works Pools contacted us looking to get set up with a new website to replace the old one the company had created themselves.

We created a design from scratch, utilized all of the existing assets, and added new copy, new features, and jam packed the site with SEO including local schema, keyword targeting, and responsive, mobile-first web design to supercharge their ranking on Google.

We had a turnaround of 1 month to launch the site, and transitioned them over with a year of free hosting, updates, and revisions included with their package. 

Websites To Get Your Business Recognized

Hugh Morris has been in business for decades building the best shade houses money can buy. Unfortunately, he had a self-made, single page website that wasn’t offering much value to his business. There wasn’t much visibility online, the services weren’t very clear, and there was no real way to reach out or request a quote for the services he offered. 

He came to us with a desire to make sure that his business was prepared to put on the market, as he was looking into potentially selling the business. Our job was to make sure he had a website that was modern and functional to entice potential buyers. 

We built him a 5-page website within a week. Focusing on best practices, accessibility, and strong SEO, we built an online foundation that any business could build upon. 

We also built him a custom contact form that helped onboard new customers by gathering all the information necessary for Hugh to put together a quote before the initial consultation.

Hugh hasn’t decided to sell the business, but has instead said that the new site has made closing new deals easier than ever. 

Websites To Get the job done

The guys over at the tech startup Nudge AI needed a quick site to be thrown up so that they could register their cutting edge AI sales application with google services.

They needed a website with only a few requirements, but on a tight timeline: the next day.

The site contains a simple homepage that describes the company, a way to contact the company, a privacy policy page, and a terms of service page.

Very simple, and very purpose built, but absolutely necessary for them to officially register their application in order to market and demo it to their clients.

We knocked this out in a day, and provided them with a base website that fulfilled their requirements, while also serving as a fantastic foundation to build upon once their needs expand. 


Websites To Express Yourself

E.G. Shamis is a wonderful author who we had the pleasure of creating a website for. She wanted a website to showcase her upcoming releases, to connect with those who read who work, and to provide a digital portfolio for her work.

We set her up with a custom templated system which allows her to easily add new work as she writes it to the website. We also set up a fun way for people to read samples of her books, to sign up for newsletters, and access her blog where she writes about each new story she puts out and updates along her writing journey.

 We were also able to work on her branding by providing help with graphic design, and logo creation. We were able to work with her on a personal level, find out exactly who she was, what inspires her, and helped to translate that into a website where she felt like she was truly expressing herself.

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